Dr. | Christopher | Currey | Horticulture | ccurrey@iastate.edu | https://www.hort.iastate.edu/directory/christopher-j-currey/ |
Dr. | Susan | Lamont | Animal Science | sjlamont@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/susan-lamont |
Mr. | Mike | Anderson | 4H | mikeande@iastate.edu | https://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/mike-anderson |
Dr. | Samuel | Mindes | Sociology and Criminal Justice | smindes@iastate.edu | https://faculty.sites.iastate.edu/smindes/ |
Dr. | Laura | Greiner | Animal Science | greinerl@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/laura-greiner |
Dr. | Katie | Dentzman | Sociology and Criminal Justice | dentzman@iastate.edu | https://soc-cj.iastate.edu/profiles/katherine-dentzman/ |
Mr. | David | Roscuro | Animal science | dsrosero@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/david-rosero |
Mr. | Mitchell | Hoyer | 4H | mhoyer@iastate.edu | https://www.extension.iastate.edu/staffdir/staff/mitchell-hoyer |
Dr. | Daniel | Andersen | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | dsa@iastate.edu | https://www.abe.iastate.edu/abe-department/directory/profile/dsa/ |
Dr. | Matt | Helmers | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | mhelmers@iastate.edu | https://www.abe.iastate.edu/abe-department/directory/profile/mhelmers/ |
Dr. | Kurt | Rosentrater | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | karosent@iastate.edu | https://www.abe.iastate.edu/abe-department/directory/profile/karosent/ |
Dr. | Brian | Steward | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | bsteward@iastate.edu | https://www.abe.iastate.edu/abe-department/directory/profile/bsteward/ |
Dr. | Michelle | Soupir | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | msoupir@iastate.edu | https://www.abe.iastate.edu/abe-department/directory/profile/msoupir/ |
Dr. | Ben | Chamberlain | Agricultural Education & Studies | bchamber@iastate.edu | https://www.ageds.iastate.edu/people/ben-chamberlain |
Dr. | Awoke | Dollisso | Agricultural Education & Studies | dollisso@iastate.edu | https://www.ageds.iastate.edu/people/awoke-dollisso |
Dr. | Michael | Retallick | Agricultural Education & Studies | msr@iastate.edu | https://www.ageds.iastate.edu/people/michael-retallick |
Dr. | Scott | Smalley | Agricultural Education & Studies | smalle16@iastate.edu | https://www.ageds.iastate.edu/people/scott-smalley |
Mr. | Kevin | Kimle | Agricultural Entrepreneurship Initiative | kimle@iastate.edu | https://www.agei.cals.iastate.edu/people/kevin-kimle |
Dr. | Madan | Bhattacharyya | Agronomy | mbhattac@iastate.edu | https://www.ipb.iastate.edu/people/madan-bhattacharyya |
Dr. | Lee | Burras | Agronomy | lburras@iastate.edu | https://www.agron.iastate.edu/people/burras-c-lee/ |
Dr. | Patrick | Schnable | Agronomy | schnable@iastate.edu | https://www.agron.iastate.edu/people/schnable-patrick/ |
Dr. | Richard | Cruse | Agronomy | rmc@iastate.edu | https://www.agron.iastate.edu/people/cruse-richard/ |
Dr. | Laura | Merrick | Agronomy | lmerrick@iastate.edu | https://www.agron.iastate.edu/people/merrick-laura/ |
Dr. | Kathleen | Delate | Agronomy/Horticulture | kdelate@iastate.edu | https://crops.extension.iastate.edu/people/kathleen-delate |
Dr. | Susana | Goggi | Agronomy/Seed Science | susana@iastate.edu | https://www.seeds.iastate.edu/people/susana-goggi |
Dr. | Tom | Baas | Animal Science | tjbaas@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/tom-baas |
Dr. | Lance | Baumgard | Animal Science | baumgard@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/lance-baumgard |
Dr. | Donald | Beitz | Animal Science | dcbeitz@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/donald-beitz |
Dr. | Jack | Dekkers | Animal Science | jdekkers@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/jack-c-dekkers |
Dr. | Stephanie | Hansen | Animal Science | slhansen@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/stephanie-hansen |
Dr. | Anna | Johnson | Animal Science | johnsona@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/anna-johnson |
Dr. | Steven | Lonergan | Animal Science | slonerga@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/steven-lonergan |
Dr. | Jason | Ross | Animal Science | jwross@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/jason-ross |
Dr. | Josh | Selsby | Animal Science | jselsby@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/joshua-selsby |
Dr. | Chris | Tuggle | Animal Science | cktuggle@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/christopher-tuggle |
Dr. | Curt | Youngs | Animal Science | cryoungs@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/curtis-youngs |
Mrs. | Sherry | Hoyer | Animal Science - IPIC | shoyer@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/sherry-hoyer |
Dr. | Elizabeth | Bobeck | Animal Science | eabobeck@iastate.edu | https://www.ans.iastate.edu/people/elizabeth-bobeck |
Dr. | Tom | Bobik | BBMB | bobik@iastate.edu | https://www.bbmb.iastate.edu/people/tom-bobik |
Mr | Andy | Zehr | CALS Student Services | azehr@iastate.edu | https://www.cals.iastate.edu/student-services |
Ms. | Shelley | Taylor | CALS Study Abroad | sztaylor@iastate.edu | https://www.agstudyabroad.iastate.edu/people/shelley-taylor |
Ms | Philip W. | Gassman | Center for Agricultural & Rural Development (CARD) | pwgassma@iastate.edu | https://www.card.iastate.edu/people/profile/?n=philip-w-gassman |
Dr. | Kyle | McElroy | EEOB | kmcelroy@iastate.edu | Kyle McElroy | Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology (EEOB) (iastate.edu) |
Dr. | Anne | Bronikowski | EEOB | abroniko@iastate.edu | https://www.eeob.iastate.edu/people/anne-bronikowski |
Dr. | Jeanne | Serb | EEOB | serb@iastate.edu | https://www.eeob.iastate.edu/people/jeanne-serb |
Dr. | Amy | Toth | EEOB | amytoth@iastate.edu | https://www.eeob.iastate.edu/people/amy-toth |
Dr. | Gregory | Courtney | Entomology | gwcourt@iastate.edu | https://www.ent.iastate.edu/people/gregory-courtney |
Dr. | Aaron | Gassmann | Entomology | aaronjg@iastate.edu | https://www.ent.iastate.edu/people/aaron-gassmann |
Ms. | Ginny | Mitchell | Entomology | gmitchel@iastate.edu | https://www.ent.iastate.edu/people/ginny-mitchell |
Dr. | Aubrey | Mendonca | Food Science and Human Nutrition | amendon@iastate.edu | https://www.micro.iastate.edu/people/aubrey-mendonca |
Dr. | Zhiyou | Wen | Food Science and Human Nutrition | wenz@iastate.edu | https://www.engineering.iastate.edu/people/profile/wenz/ |
Dr. | Jeff | Essner | GDCB | jessner@iastate.edu | https://www.gdcb.iastate.edu/people/jeffrey-essner |
Dr. | Erik | Vollbrecht | GDCB | vollbrec@iastate.edu | https://www.gdcb.iastate.edu/people/erik-vollbrecht |
Dr. | Marna | Yandeau-Nelson | GDCB | myn@iastate.edu | https://www.gdcb.iastate.edu/people/marna-yandeau-nelson |
Dr. | Keting | Chen | GDCB | kchen@iastate.edu | https://www.gdcb.iastate.edu/people/keting-chen |
Dr. | Geng | Ding | GDCB | gengding@iastate.edu | Geng Ding | Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology (iastate.edu) |
Dr. | Gail | Nonnecke | Global Resource Systems | nonnecke@iastate.edu | https://www.hort.iastate.edu/directory/gail-romberger-nonnecke/ |
Dr. | Robert | Turnbull | Horticulture | turnbull@iastate.edu | Robert Turnbull - Department of Horticulture (iastate.edu) |
Dr. | William | Graves | Horticulture | graves@iastate.edu | https://www.hort.iastate.edu/directory/william-r-graves/ |
Dr. | Cynthia | Haynes | Horticulture | chaynes@iastate.edu | https://www.hort.iastate.edu/directory/cynthia-l-haynes/ |
Dr. | Dorothy | Masinde | Horticulture | masinde@iastate.edu | https://www.hort.iastate.edu/directory/dorothy-m-masinde/ |
Dr. | Ajay | Nair | Horticulture | nairajay@iastate.edu | https://www.hort.iastate.edu/directory/ajay-nair/ |
Dr. | Suzanne | Slack | Horticulture | slacksuz@iastate.edu | Suzanne Slack - Department of Horticulture (iastate.edu) |
Mrs. | Claudia | Lemper | Microbiology | cllemper@iastate.edu | https://www.micro.iastate.edu/people/claudia-lemper |
Dr. | Julie | Blanchong | NREM | julieb@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/julie-blanchong |
Dr. | Stephen | Dinsmore | NREM | cootjr@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/stephen-dinsmore |
Dr. | Sue | Fairbanks | NREM | suef@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/w-sue-fairbanks |
Mrs. | Leigh Ann | Long | NREM | lalong@iastate.edu | https://www.engineering.iastate.edu/people/profile/lalong/ |
Dr. | Michael | Rentz | NREM | msrentz@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/michael-rentz |
Dr. | Richard | Schultz | NREM | rschultz@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/richard-schultz |
Dr. | John | Tyndall | NREM | jtyndall@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/john-tyndall |
Dr. | Michael | Weber | NREM | mjw@iastate.edu | https://www.nrem.iastate.edu/people/michael-weber |
Dr. | Larry | Halverson | Plant Pathology | larryh@iastate.edu | https://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/people/larry-halverson |
Dr. | Gregory | Tylka | Plant Pathology | gltylka@iastate.edu | https://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/people/gregory-tylka |
Dr. | Allen | Miller | Plant Pathology & BBMB | wamiller@iastate.edu | https://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/people/w-allen-miller |
Dr. | Gwyn | Beattie | Plant Pathology and Microbiology | gbeattie@iastate.edu | https://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/people/gwyn-beattie |
Dr. | Steve | Whitham | Plant Pathology and Microbiology | swhitham@iastate.edu | https://www.plantpath.iastate.edu/people/steven-whitham |
Dr. | Nathan | Brockman | Reiman Gardens | mantisnb@iastate.edu | https://www.info.iastate.edu/individuals/info/194565/Brockman-Nathan |
Ms. | Lori | Abendroth | Sociology | labend@iastate.edu | https://www.info.iastate.edu/individuals/info/129771/Abendroth-Lori |
Dr. | Carmen | Bain | Sociology | cbain@iastate.edu | https://soc-cj.iastate.edu/profiles/dr-carmen-bain/ |
Dr. | Jamie | Benning | Sociology | benning@iastate.edu | https://www.extension.iastate.edu/staffdir/staff/jamie-benning |
Dr. | Shawn | Dorius | Sociology | sdorius@iastate.edu | https://soc-cj.iastate.edu/profiles/shawn-dorius/ |
Dr. | Cathy | Miller | VDPAM | clm@iastate.edu | https://vetmed.iastate.edu/users/clm |
Dr. | Suzanne | Millman | VDPAM | smillman@iastate.edu | https://vetmed.iastate.edu/users/smillman |
Dr. | Bianca | Zaffarano | Veterinary Clinical Sciences | bazaffo3@iastate.edu | https://vetmed.iastate.edu/users/bazaff03 |